“From Different Worlds”
I was very glad to hear/read you say that our visit was one of the highlights of your trip. That really made a brotha smile a big chucky cheese smile!! But for real though everyone tend (sic) to feel nervous on they (sic) first trip/visit into Texas Death Row or any prison for that matter. Because as you said yourself you really didn’t know what to expect. And the unknown usually tend (sic) to do that to most individuals. Yet I’m also glad that after everything was said & done that you left here feeling way better than you did when you first walked into this place (smile). You know you are 100% correct when you said because of the power of the written word you & I were able to actually come together and meet one another since we’re both from two different worlds & would’ve never met otherwise. I’ve always heard that words have/hold power. So depending on which way they’re use (sic) they can make us break a person, heal or sicken someone etc. etc. … It just so happen that our worlds ended up having a sobering and uplifting affect on each other that we’ll both remember in a positive way for the rest of our lives.